Dark Angel Medical

MDFI is proud to host our amazing medical mentors at Dark Angel Medical for these absolutely MUST HAVE courses for the responsible citizen regardless of if they choose to bear arms or not.

Self Defense is not just about carrying a gun and the time to try and learn personal skills is NOT when you or someone else is bleeding out!!! When life expectancy is measured in seconds and help is minutes away, will you know what to do? In our uncertain lives, that is a question that we all need to be able to answer a resounding, “Yes!” to.

Dark Angel Medical is a veteran-owned business with a combined total of over 20 years of medical training and work in both the military and civilian healthcare fields, pre-hospital care, flight medicine and intra-hospital work with concentration in emergency and critical care medicine as well as competitive shooting. They offer the D.A.R.K. (Direct Action Response Kit) which has carefully selected, combat-proven components with a low learning curve enabling almost anyone to be able to deploy and utilize the kit. In a time-is-life event you need simplicity. That’s what Dark Angel Medical is all about.

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D.A.R.T. 2

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Dark Angel Medical
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 19 reviews
 by Margie

I am Retired USAF and a firearm instructor/TC. I have had many Self Aid and Buddy care, combat lifesaver type courses over my careers along with taking First Aid/CPR with Red Cross and the American Heart Association multiple times and so I was a little hesitant about attending and spending the time/money on another training of this kind.

This course was well worth the time/money and DID NOT disappoint! It exceeded any of my expectations and is by far the best lifesaver class that I have ever attended! It should be a mandatory life course for all! Kerry Davis is the best! He is so passionate and keeps the class interesting and fun and simple! He inspired me to want to do and be better as my own First responder. I walked away more knowledgeable and confident with my ability to apply lifesaving skills to myself and others! I am forever grateful to him for his passion and sharing his gift of skills/knowledge with us!” ~ Margie Walden

 by Doc

I recently took the Direct Action Response Training class from Dark Angel. It was an excellent class that covered much more than I expected. The instructor, Kerry Davis, is highly knowledgeable with a lot of field experience and is a great teacher. I highly recommend this class not only to those who carry concealed but to all responsible citizens.

 by Kali

I am a non fire arms user, but a medical professional. When my husband suggested the class I was game for it, but had my doubts on its usefulness. I was surprised, impressed and will be forever grateful for the education taught during this class. This classes bridges your standard first aid knowledge and access to a medical facility, which lets face, is when time really matters. Kerry emphasizes the reasoning behind, the skill and the muscle/mental memory needed for life saving care. He's a dynamic instructor with real world experience and expertise. Highly recommend.

 by Ken P

The class gives you the ability to help someone survive until first responders arrive. The instruction was not someone showing slides they did not prepare. The instructor had knowledge about each situation presented. Highly recommended course!

 by Andrew

This class was an incredible resource. Kerry was so passionate about the subject matter and kept it interesting using real world examples to study from including his depth of knowledge in the field spanning multiple decades. This class is the single most important class I have ever taken. When seconds count, the importance of being able to tackle a situation right then and there is paramount. This class has instilled this mindset in me, and I can honestly say I look at the world differently as a result of this class and most of all, Kerry.

 by Cody

Taught by a man whose passion is in his practice. Whole hearted approach that is brought to each person in the class. Well worth the time and money. So applicable to everyday life whether you are cutting wood, camping remotely or god for a bid a gun fight. It was a very sobering class that in reality should really be a 1st requirement/co requirement to taking any firearm course. The chances in life to use these applications are far greater than any firearms use. Many takeaways can be brought home and taught to family and friends but first step is taking the class for yourself! Highly recommend!

 by Dale

Completed DART 1 over the past weekend and I can't say enough about how excellent it was. The course material, the instructor, the venue, all excellent. I wholeheartedly recommend this class to everyone. Valuable life skills that hopefully remain unused but potentially life-saving if needed. I went into this class with minimal knowledge and came out with confidence in the knowledge and skills taught and practiced during the class.

 by Chris M.

Wow, there is so much to say about the DART 1 weekend that my daughter and I participated in! I will keep it short though and concentrate on a couple major items for us taking the class.

I came in not having really any type of medical trying or classes so the intimidation factor was pretty high even though Dark Angel Medical expresses that no experience is required. Mike’s (the instructor) demeanor immediately helped to reduce some of my apprehension with his honesty and communication skills. He noted that he didn’t have it all figured out and that he has been continuously learning/improving for many years. He also noted some instances from his past which he can look back and realize how he could have done things different in his medical care career. This helped me understand that this weekend was going to be just the start of my learning and I didn’t need to walk away stressed out about what I did or didn’t learn. There were plenty of people with little to know experience as well. There were also some folks that had lots of experience. We all fed off each other though along with Mike’s guidance. It was a life changing experience!

Hear I am just a few days removed now from our weekend and feeling far more confident that I could actually be a help to someone who needs critical medical attention before the medical professionals showing up. That’s a big accomplishment from what my mindset was just 5 days ago.

One last item which seems really important. I mentioned above that my daughter and I took the class together. This was really helpful during the class to have a partner to learn alongside but even more now that we are out of the class. We are talking through different scenarios and testing one another which is helping cement our experience and knowledge even more.

God Bless all you folks at Dark Angel Medical for putting together the classes and taking the risk of teaching folks who have little to no experience in treating people in traumatic situations. Thank you so much!

 by Scott

D.A.R.T from Dark Angel Medical was awesome. I had my whole family with me. All of us are better prepared if the need arises for immediate intervention. The instructors are professional and thorough. My eyes were opened to the possibilities that we may have to deal with in our every day life. Thank you from my family and me for the great content.

 by Buck Hempel

If you are willing to train to take lives and carry that responsibility, you should equally train to save lives. Both necessary skills as warriors, men of action, and good citizens. This class is the highest level of training a common civilian can take. You must take DART I to open your eyes and DART II to open your mind!

 by Dale

This course is a "Must Have". Get the life saving training to span the time between injury and professional help. This course gave me the tools and knowledge to allow me to help in an emergency.
The course is very well run and taught. I will probably take DART 2 again as a refresher.

 by FayeMus

Don't wait, take the D.A.R.T class as soon as you are able. This is a must for firearms carriers or anyone who is around those who use. The instructor Ross made what could have been a very technical and serious topic easy to understand and at times entertaining. Ross is very knowledgeable with 20 years of experience in the field as a paramedic and as a military medic. The class offers lots of very usable information that could potential save you or someone you are with life. I highly recommend and if you have the time and funds do both one and two DART classes back to back if offered. I wish I could have.

 by Tristin

DART 1 was amazing with Ross. He was entertaining and kept the atmosphere light even with the heavy content. The information was easy to learn and simple, I loved that! The MDFI training property is also amazing and a very comfortable place to be. Thanks to Ross and DART, as well as Trek and Allison!

 by Cole

Concise, practical, relevant information for everyday life. I wish I'd have taken this class sooner. Spend the night on site and get even more time with the crew!

 by Gonzo

DART 1 & 2 is some of the best non-firearm training you can take. I have taken a few TCCC classes and this, by far, is the best training i've recieved. Worth every penny, and highly recommend for anyone who is interested in taking any type of medical class.

 by Otto

DART 2 was completely top-shelf in planning and execution. Kerry/Ross and Mike obviously put a ton of thought into this course, and the scenarios built on each other as our ability to assess and then apply the right techniques and gear progressed. No wasted time, and the Moulage gear added some really effective stress-inoculation. A+ (and that goes for the role-players too). Can't recommend this enough for all DART 1 grads. My competence probably tripled thanks to this course.

 by Alan

Dark Angel Medical D.A.R.T 2 was awesome. I took DA.R.T. 1 last fall and couldn't wait to take 2. The expansion of knowledge tied in with actual hands on moulage experience has increased my confidence by leaps and bounds. I highly recommend this investment in the lives of those you love and care about. Will you be ready when the time chooses you?

 by Jack R.

I just finished DART 1 and DART 2 and was completely blown away with the amount of useful information and skillset that was presented in my classes. This has been the best medical class I have ever attended. It even beats the medical classes I took in the military. I highly recommend Dark Angel Medical.

 by Kevin

Mike taught an excellent DART class and has a great personality. There is one suggestion for prospective students; buy a training tourniquet (blue) at the same time that you buy a medical kit from Dark Angel. Your own training TQ is helpful in class, and a training TQ is needed for at home practice, anyway. You may as well buy the training TQ at the same time you buy the medical kit. IMHO, the CAT TQ was easier for me to use, but Mike shows us how to use a variety of TQs.