Foundation Handgun

Class Flow: MODERATE (students can expect full day of shooting and weapon manipulation from a static line)

Foundation Handgun is designed to stress the importance of proper weapon manipulation and shooting techniques. The goal of this MDFI Foundation class is to build a strong and efficient foundation regarding the proper use and manipulation of the Handgun as a defensive tool. Without a strong foundation, any additional training is wasted time. This class will prepare students for our "Advanced" level classes and is a mandatory prerequisite to move on with the MDFI curriculum.

This class is for students who understand the fundamentals of marksmanship, live by the four rules of responsible firearms handling, and are looking to learn to use the handgun as a defensive tool.

Law Enforcement: This course is MCOLES certified through MDFI and counts toward training credit.

In-depth Firearms Responsibility (safety) and Medical Briefing

Inspection and Inventory

Concealment Issues

Carry/Draw Techniques

Shooting Techniques

The Threat Engagement Process

Handgun Manipulation

Ammunition Management

Stoppage/Malfunction Issues

MDFI Foundation Handgun Qualifier


(we HIGHLY recommend you train with your carry handgun)

250 – 400 Rounds of Ammunition

3 Magazines
(You may want more if you magazine capacity is 10 or less)

Quality Holster & Belt
Handgun holsters MUST meet the criteria
as outlined in the MDFI gear policies and MUST be
used IN CONJUNCTION WITH A BELT (see policies).
Failure to bring proper gear to class will
result in the student not being able to train with their
firearm and forfeit tuition.

Eye + Ear Protection



Magazine Carrier

Appropriate Clothing for Weather

Sunscreen / Insect Repellent

Folding Canopy, Table and/or Chair

Snacks + Drink for 8 Hours of Training

Although not required, we highly recommend that all students take our YSINTG! (You Suck! It's Not the Gun!®) course PRIOR to attending Foundation Handgun. All students should be able to shoot the YSINTG target at 10 yards, zero time limit, firing 10 rounds, with the goal of keeping all rounds in the center of the black dot. To make sure students get the most out of time training with MDFI, students that cannot keep all 10 rounds on the target at the prescribed distance should take YSINTG! before Foundation Handgun.

Valid Concealed Weapon License or Law Enforcement Credentials (if you do not have either, email us for instructions).

Must have working operational knowledge of the firearm you bring to class (i.e know how to load/unload safely).


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Class: Foundation Handgun
Average rating:  
 21 reviews
 by Cody

The instruction quality at MDFI is unmatched. The attention to detail and ability to articulate information and techniques from a factual standpoint is amazing. The instructors are personable and professional; any level of responsible shooter will enjoy this class. My biggest take away from this class is the focus they have on techniques and skills that are often glossed over or completely forgotten in other classes. It is a true and whole foundation course that really helps shooters progress to the next level.

 by Shane

Great instruction, lessons and pace. Walked away learning a lot and truly feel I've improved. I'll be back for all of the other Foundational classes. Had a great time. Highly recommend.

 by Scott

Sunday April 2, 2023, one of the safest places to be in Michigan, was at Barrack 616 with Tim, Grant and Roman,

 by John

This is the third class I have taken this year with MDFI. My first was YSINTG! in the spring. I highly recommend taking that class before attending the foundation handgun class. If you are like me, you can always brush up on marksmanship. And I certainly need to do that. The foundation handgun class takes marksmanship to the next level by incorporating shooting techniques with additional requirements such as quick reloading, weapon manipulation and emergency tactics to keep your gun working. The class is challenging and fun. My classmates came from a variety of backgrounds and locales. We all worked to stay on task in an "ego-free zone" Tim and Thomas were great instructors that walked me through the drills in a collegial way.

Finally, and a big part of what has brought me back to MDFI, is the instructors' high regard for safety. Learning and having fun with inherently dangerous objects like firearms requires attention to detail by EVERYONE involved. Thank you to Tim and Thomas for addressing that issue straightaway and early on so that the day was safe, fun and educational for all of the students. Thanks again, MDFI. See you in the spring!

 by Rod

This class is critical for anyone responsibly considering EDC. I have spent years “punching holes in paper targets.” There are many additional skills required for EDC. This class is ground zero for development of those skills. Trek and Grant are a great teaching team! Thank you.

 by Andy K

Excellent Class! So much info!

Excellent instruction excellent instruction environment.
No mistake that safety is taken seriously, if you follow safety protocol you will have a fun time.

Highly recommend taking "You Suck! It's Not the Gun!" even if you are comfortable with your pistol first. I skipped it (but will be taking it) and regret not taking it first... but still had a great time.

 by Karl

Tremendous fun! Took the class with my son. Instruction was great - simple, straightforward, serious with an ample sprinkling of humor. Left with a knowledge of skills to practice and improve.

 by Dave

Excellent class. This class is a must for all responsible gun owners. Each drill had a specific purpose which is very important in the era of expensive ammo. Do you need to be "Johnny Operator" to take this class? Nope. The goal of this class is to open your mind to improving your gun handling skill set. You will leave the class knowing what you need to work on to improve your performance. Great instructors!!!!

 by Chris

Yet another great class offered by the folks at MDFI! Between the weather and other factors, not everything went as a "perfect day". However, the team always finds ways to keep instruction moving along while still providing an environment for safety and learning. They hold to their high (yet attainable) standards and call us all up to them. Thanks so much!

 by Monte

This was my first time taking a class without Trek as one of the instructors and i was so impressed by the cadre immediately. They pushed my accuracy standard up and made you feel as if you were having private instruction with 19 of your best friends by the end. You won't be disappointed!

 by Nick

Foundation Handgun should be a required course for anyone looking to become a responsible armed citizen. This course builds off of YSINTG and really helped me become confident with my firearm. We were given plenty of opportunities to fine-tune our skills throughout the various workshops. Tim, Grant, and Thomas were very accommodating to the students, focused strongly on safety as usual, and made the class a very fun and fulfilling experience. This will likely become a repeatable course for me in the future. A fantastic course for those that want to knock the rust off as well. Great class. Can't recommend this course and MDFI enough.

 by Carter

I was very impressed and satisfied with the safety aspect of this course and it’s instructors. Safety was a top priority. The curriculum was very useful and I learned even more skills that I can add to my so called “tool kit”.

 by Donnie

Great class for those who have taken their CPL but never pressure tested the equipment they carry. Lots of information is transferred in a short time but in a way that makes it easy to absorb.

 by Scott

The class was awesome! The information is great and practical. I am more confident in my ability after this class. The staff is caring and spends the time you need individually to make sure you get the most out of the class. I would recommend this to both novice and experienced shooter a like.

 by Paul

recommended class for everyone that carries a pistol, you will not be disappointed.

The staff is bar none the best I've encountered to date, very knowledgeable and will put you together with no ego if you're struggling with any of the various drills being taught.

 by Rich C.

As an assistant principal my everyday job is to evaluate instruction and learning. Good teaching is evident and easy to spot regardless if it is in a math classroom, a PE class, or on the range in a defensive firearms course. Tim and Tom did a great job of providing thorough explanations of the curriculum and frontloading shooters with the information that they needed. They would then break it down into manageable chunks/smaller drills that would then be scaffolded into a larger drills that put all the pieces together. Tim and Tom would then model/demonstrate each drill before beginning to instruct it. They also provided great immediate feedback to shooters as they were conducting the drills, including pushing the more advanced shooters further and spending more time with novice shooters who needed the additional instruction/help. This is exactly what I would want to see when I walk into a classroom in my building. They did a great job overall and I highly recommend any class that Tim and Tom are instructing.

 by Michael K

I really enjoyed this training. It built upon the skills I learned In YSINTG.

Fun, friendly and motivational staff!

If you want to be a safer and better pistol shooter, this class is for you!

I look forward to future training with MDFI!

 by Dave

I attended the Foundation Handgun class in Jackson, MI on 2/8/2020. Excellent class and very good instructors (Tim, Tom and Shane).

Showed me that I had a lot to work on. Very patient, professional instruction including a lot of one on one help and suggestions.

Tim did an excellent job of giving us all the necessary basic information and in leading the class through the exercises. Tom was a very personable and effective coach and really helped me a lot. I did not have much time with Shane as he was typically at the other end of the firing line from me but the time I did have showed me that he was also a very good and helpful coach.

It was a pleasure to work with all 3 of them.

Very worthwhile class!

Thanks MDFI.

 by Ron

Foundation Handgun 2.0 in Battle Creek.

Why 2.0? Because May 2018 was the very first MDFI class I attended. It had been 13 years since my last formal class. Why? Bad experiences. But I wanted to get back at it. I researched, asked around and was pointed to MDFI by a professional "as seen on TV" 3 gun competitor that was a coworker.

It was a lot to take in the first time. Borderline intimidating, again, because of previous experiences. The intimidation was in my head! Not only was I as rusty as a 71 Plymouth Duster, but so many poor methods I learned and practiced had to be written over. After the intros, safety brief, First Aid info and then instruction combined with individual coaching by Trek and Steve at that class, I felt comfortable by lunch. At times it felt like one on one instruction. I came home and signed up for 3 more classes.

The class today, Auguat 2019? A B S O L U T E L Y Phenomenal! I feel like I wasn't even there last year. I may make this an annual must attend for regrounding.

Today just reiterated to me that the MDFI curriculum is all tied together, and as you move along through it and then go back and retake classes Gold Nuggets pop up that smooth off some previous rough edges.

To sum it up, I just can't get enough of learning and improving while meeting great, like minded, safe & ego free people. Today was my 12th class in 15 months and the 2nd class I've taken twice.

If you're considering MDFI and are on the fence. Get off the fence! The pace is comfortable, for all experience levels. For some, it may seem like it starts slow, but there is a lot of information to take in. As you move on in the class throughout the day, and the curriculum over time, the tempo increases but the safety and education standards are never compromised.

 by Cole

Even though this was a foundation class, I felt challenged a little. I walked away from class feeling I could have done this or that better or I need to work on a procedure I learned in class I know I was challenged. I constantly heard the teachers working the student line assisting, reassuring, and positively affirming good techniques. When students got a little distressed, the teachers recognized it and worked to get the student back into a learning zone.

I plan to return for another class this year.

 by Darleen

Had a great time at classes this weekend.  Thank you.  It was awesome.  Your team had a lot of patience with me!  Looking forward to using the skills from this weekend to practice and improve.


  • Sunday
     August 4, 2024
     9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Details Price Qty
Depositshow details + $125.00 (USD)  

  • Saturday
     September 14, 2024
     9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Details Price Qty
Full Tuitionshow details + $225.00 (USD)  

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Class: Foundation Handgun
Average rating:  
 21 reviews
 by Cody

The instruction quality at MDFI is unmatched. The attention to detail and ability to articulate information and techniques from a factual standpoint is amazing. The instructors are personable and professional; any level of responsible shooter will enjoy this class. My biggest take away from this class is the focus they have on techniques and skills that are often glossed over or completely forgotten in other classes. It is a true and whole foundation course that really helps shooters progress to the next level.

 by Shane

Great instruction, lessons and pace. Walked away learning a lot and truly feel I've improved. I'll be back for all of the other Foundational classes. Had a great time. Highly recommend.

 by Scott

Sunday April 2, 2023, one of the safest places to be in Michigan, was at Barrack 616 with Tim, Grant and Roman,

 by John

This is the third class I have taken this year with MDFI. My first was YSINTG! in the spring. I highly recommend taking that class before attending the foundation handgun class. If you are like me, you can always brush up on marksmanship. And I certainly need to do that. The foundation handgun class takes marksmanship to the next level by incorporating shooting techniques with additional requirements such as quick reloading, weapon manipulation and emergency tactics to keep your gun working. The class is challenging and fun. My classmates came from a variety of backgrounds and locales. We all worked to stay on task in an "ego-free zone" Tim and Thomas were great instructors that walked me through the drills in a collegial way.

Finally, and a big part of what has brought me back to MDFI, is the instructors' high regard for safety. Learning and having fun with inherently dangerous objects like firearms requires attention to detail by EVERYONE involved. Thank you to Tim and Thomas for addressing that issue straightaway and early on so that the day was safe, fun and educational for all of the students. Thanks again, MDFI. See you in the spring!

 by Rod

This class is critical for anyone responsibly considering EDC. I have spent years “punching holes in paper targets.” There are many additional skills required for EDC. This class is ground zero for development of those skills. Trek and Grant are a great teaching team! Thank you.

 by Andy K

Excellent Class! So much info!

Excellent instruction excellent instruction environment.
No mistake that safety is taken seriously, if you follow safety protocol you will have a fun time.

Highly recommend taking "You Suck! It's Not the Gun!" even if you are comfortable with your pistol first. I skipped it (but will be taking it) and regret not taking it first... but still had a great time.

 by Karl

Tremendous fun! Took the class with my son. Instruction was great - simple, straightforward, serious with an ample sprinkling of humor. Left with a knowledge of skills to practice and improve.

 by Dave

Excellent class. This class is a must for all responsible gun owners. Each drill had a specific purpose which is very important in the era of expensive ammo. Do you need to be "Johnny Operator" to take this class? Nope. The goal of this class is to open your mind to improving your gun handling skill set. You will leave the class knowing what you need to work on to improve your performance. Great instructors!!!!

 by Chris

Yet another great class offered by the folks at MDFI! Between the weather and other factors, not everything went as a "perfect day". However, the team always finds ways to keep instruction moving along while still providing an environment for safety and learning. They hold to their high (yet attainable) standards and call us all up to them. Thanks so much!

 by Monte

This was my first time taking a class without Trek as one of the instructors and i was so impressed by the cadre immediately. They pushed my accuracy standard up and made you feel as if you were having private instruction with 19 of your best friends by the end. You won't be disappointed!

 by Nick

Foundation Handgun should be a required course for anyone looking to become a responsible armed citizen. This course builds off of YSINTG and really helped me become confident with my firearm. We were given plenty of opportunities to fine-tune our skills throughout the various workshops. Tim, Grant, and Thomas were very accommodating to the students, focused strongly on safety as usual, and made the class a very fun and fulfilling experience. This will likely become a repeatable course for me in the future. A fantastic course for those that want to knock the rust off as well. Great class. Can't recommend this course and MDFI enough.

 by Carter

I was very impressed and satisfied with the safety aspect of this course and it’s instructors. Safety was a top priority. The curriculum was very useful and I learned even more skills that I can add to my so called “tool kit”.

 by Donnie

Great class for those who have taken their CPL but never pressure tested the equipment they carry. Lots of information is transferred in a short time but in a way that makes it easy to absorb.

 by Scott

The class was awesome! The information is great and practical. I am more confident in my ability after this class. The staff is caring and spends the time you need individually to make sure you get the most out of the class. I would recommend this to both novice and experienced shooter a like.

 by Paul

recommended class for everyone that carries a pistol, you will not be disappointed.

The staff is bar none the best I've encountered to date, very knowledgeable and will put you together with no ego if you're struggling with any of the various drills being taught.

 by Rich C.

As an assistant principal my everyday job is to evaluate instruction and learning. Good teaching is evident and easy to spot regardless if it is in a math classroom, a PE class, or on the range in a defensive firearms course. Tim and Tom did a great job of providing thorough explanations of the curriculum and frontloading shooters with the information that they needed. They would then break it down into manageable chunks/smaller drills that would then be scaffolded into a larger drills that put all the pieces together. Tim and Tom would then model/demonstrate each drill before beginning to instruct it. They also provided great immediate feedback to shooters as they were conducting the drills, including pushing the more advanced shooters further and spending more time with novice shooters who needed the additional instruction/help. This is exactly what I would want to see when I walk into a classroom in my building. They did a great job overall and I highly recommend any class that Tim and Tom are instructing.

 by Michael K

I really enjoyed this training. It built upon the skills I learned In YSINTG.

Fun, friendly and motivational staff!

If you want to be a safer and better pistol shooter, this class is for you!

I look forward to future training with MDFI!

 by Dave

I attended the Foundation Handgun class in Jackson, MI on 2/8/2020. Excellent class and very good instructors (Tim, Tom and Shane).

Showed me that I had a lot to work on. Very patient, professional instruction including a lot of one on one help and suggestions.

Tim did an excellent job of giving us all the necessary basic information and in leading the class through the exercises. Tom was a very personable and effective coach and really helped me a lot. I did not have much time with Shane as he was typically at the other end of the firing line from me but the time I did have showed me that he was also a very good and helpful coach.

It was a pleasure to work with all 3 of them.

Very worthwhile class!

Thanks MDFI.

 by Ron

Foundation Handgun 2.0 in Battle Creek.

Why 2.0? Because May 2018 was the very first MDFI class I attended. It had been 13 years since my last formal class. Why? Bad experiences. But I wanted to get back at it. I researched, asked around and was pointed to MDFI by a professional "as seen on TV" 3 gun competitor that was a coworker.

It was a lot to take in the first time. Borderline intimidating, again, because of previous experiences. The intimidation was in my head! Not only was I as rusty as a 71 Plymouth Duster, but so many poor methods I learned and practiced had to be written over. After the intros, safety brief, First Aid info and then instruction combined with individual coaching by Trek and Steve at that class, I felt comfortable by lunch. At times it felt like one on one instruction. I came home and signed up for 3 more classes.

The class today, Auguat 2019? A B S O L U T E L Y Phenomenal! I feel like I wasn't even there last year. I may make this an annual must attend for regrounding.

Today just reiterated to me that the MDFI curriculum is all tied together, and as you move along through it and then go back and retake classes Gold Nuggets pop up that smooth off some previous rough edges.

To sum it up, I just can't get enough of learning and improving while meeting great, like minded, safe & ego free people. Today was my 12th class in 15 months and the 2nd class I've taken twice.

If you're considering MDFI and are on the fence. Get off the fence! The pace is comfortable, for all experience levels. For some, it may seem like it starts slow, but there is a lot of information to take in. As you move on in the class throughout the day, and the curriculum over time, the tempo increases but the safety and education standards are never compromised.

 by Cole

Even though this was a foundation class, I felt challenged a little. I walked away from class feeling I could have done this or that better or I need to work on a procedure I learned in class I know I was challenged. I constantly heard the teachers working the student line assisting, reassuring, and positively affirming good techniques. When students got a little distressed, the teachers recognized it and worked to get the student back into a learning zone.

I plan to return for another class this year.

 by Darleen

Had a great time at classes this weekend.  Thank you.  It was awesome.  Your team had a lot of patience with me!  Looking forward to using the skills from this weekend to practice and improve.